
João Ferreira

Awesome php/python programmer, developer, problem solver, information analysis expert, lover of life, exploring the limits of unknown.

About me

I am an outgoing and energetic IT professional. If information is power, I can bring world domination to your organization.
“Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris.” - Larry Wall
"If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter how fast it doesn't work." - Mich Ravera

@ home
tv series walk trekking eat couch surfing music xbox gta cats podcasts cooking reading driving reddit movies cinema stack overflow photography sleeping beach books ps sensors optimize study wired travel think relax detail coffee debug puzzle fitness ebooks arcade games linux arduino Internet of Things raspeberry pi websockets Virtualization home automation
@ work
agile oop php mysql mvc jquery css html5 memcache d3.js ajax node.js data visualization information aesthetics business intelligence docker saas information mapping data mining information analysis react azure perl linux javascript c mobile api database cloud test ux security websockets python responsability multitasking organization flexibility planning team work adapt multicultural communication optimize usability speed integration code


João Ferreira is a well-rounded professional software developer with over twenty years experience developing and maintaining a wide variety of information systems for large international corporations and government departments. João’s specialties are working with business experts, designing technical and non-technical solutions to meet the needs of the business, optimize high demanding/performance database systems, crafting and implementing development processes, data visualization/mapping, information aesthetics, interactive visualization, information analysis, data mining and leading teams to deliver (data driven) software. He is also a very skilled programmer.

My Skills

Cloud ComputingPro

Awesomness level

There's a good part of computer science that's a lot like magic. There's a bad part of computer science that's a lot like religion. - Hal Abelson

Awesome coding skills

I like to think of myself as more a "researcher" than an "engineer" - so, really changing my attitude towards coding and caring about the little things was a big deal for me.

Working on improving my skills

Learning to code well is a long and slow process. It is something that you have to develop over the years in a very deliberate fashion. There may be other ways of doing it but this is the only one that I have seen working.

Check out some of my soft skills

  • 90/100User Interface Design
  • 90/100Data Syncing
  • 90/100Integration
  • 90/100Windows
  • 90/100Linux
  • 90/100Android
  • 90/100Lazyness
  • 85/100Automation
  • 85/100Virtualization
  • 85/100Web Aplications
  • 85/100OSX
  • 85/100Case Management
  • 85/100OOP
  • 85/100API design/development
  • 85/100Arduino
  • 80/100AS/400 :)
  • 80/100Information Systems
  • 80/100Internet of Things
  • 80/100WordPress
  • 75/100Web Design
  • 75/100Usability
  • 75/100Raspeberry Pi
  • 75/100Websockets
  • 70/100Legacy Systems
  • 70/100NodeJS
  • 70/100Unix
  • 70/100iOS
  • 70/100Java
  • 70/100Cloud Computing
  • 65/100Scrapping
  • 65/100React
  • 65/100Project Management
  • 60/100Mobile Aplications


Lets keep in touch

  • Refresh

Contact info

  • Email:
  • Website: This one.
  • Phone: ask me.
  • Skype: joaofgf (I don't use it very much, though)